What to Gift Journalists and Bloggers This New Year to Acknowledge Their Roles in Your Success
Your business has done well this year and a great deal of credit for your success must go to the marketing team. They must have worked their hardest to make sure that your brand message reached the widest audience across multiple media channels and way beyond your geographical boundaries. While it is a good idea to acknowledge the role of your digital marketing team and all those associated with creating those killer ideas and innovative plans, there are a few people whose role must also be recognized. They are the journalists, reporters, bloggers, and others who shared your news stories and made its enriched visibility a reality. Why Reward Journalists and Bloggers It is quite possible that these reporters, journalists, and bloggers have made a few recommendations and suggestions along the digital promotion journey of your business. You might have been able to identify the best press release service or learn about some specialized promotion platforms which have helped you...